Thursday, February 26, 2009

Let YOUR Voice be Heard

TOPTA's first letter campaign is underway.

Are you

  • unhappy with your current property assessment?

  • paying more taxes than anticipated because you received a grossly inaccurate impact statement last spring?

  • one of the many that had a negative experience with the property assessment grievance process?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then let your voice be heard. Email TOPTA at for a letter that you can mail to our Town Supervisor today!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

TOPTA's Looking for Volunteers!

Are you a concerned resident, taxpayer, and voter in the Town of Potsdam? Do you want to do something to positively impact the property assessment process for the Town of Potsdam?

Then TOPTA, also known as the Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association, is the group for you! Spend as little as 1 or 2 hours a month or more if you wish collecting data, analyzing data, or working on a membership, education or public relations committee.

If you are interested, contact TOPTA today at

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Breaking News--Assessment Committee Recommendations


POTSDAM TOWN COUNCIL APPROVES RECOMMENDATIONS OF ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE--The Council voted unanimously Tuesday to support a slate of recommendations to include preparing the Board of Assessment Review before Grievance Day. The Council also voted to support a St. Lawrence County Legislative Finance Committee resolution headed for the full board supporting a different way to inform taxpayers of their estimated tax bills, in lieu of the current disclosure statements. Many of those statements turned out to be inaccurate in the Town of Potsdam last year, sparking protest that continues to this day.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Important Move by St. Lawrence County Legislator

Do you remember the impact statement you received in early2008 that stated what the increase in your 2009 property taxes would be? Were you one of the hundreds of people who's impact statement was grossly inaccurate?

Last week the St. Lawrence County Legislator passed a resolution to have the NYS Real Property Services change the computer format to more accurately inform the citizens of the impact of a reassessment.

Hats off to our local legislators for ensuring the accuracy of future statements. A very special thanks to Sally Brothers for sponsoring this legislation.

Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association wants YOU!

If you pay property taxes in the Town of Potsdam, you are invited to join the Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association.

Please send your $5.00 membership fee to

Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association
PO Box 53
Norwood, NY 13668

Your five dollar membership fee will help cover the cost of mailings,
copying, and other small expenses the Board may incur.

Please join the Potsdam Taxpayers Association. Remember, there is strength in numbers!

What's been happening since the last public meeting in October?

It's official, the Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association is a functioning organization!

As you may have read or heard via local media, officers were elected:
President Buce Konkoski
Vice President Julie Colbert
Secretary Julie Kuenzler
Publice Relations Mike Landoll
Treasurer Ned Meader
Member at Large Julie Williams

Some of the "to do" items that are done include:
  • establishment of bylaws to govern the association.
  • post office box rented.
  • bank account established.
  • state identification number received.
  • Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association blog started.

Items the officers are working on include:

  • membership drive.
  • template letters for citizens to send to government officials at the local, county, and state level.
  • petitions.
  • local media coverage of the association.
  • developing committees within the association for membership, research and data analysis, and education.

Please watch and listen to local media for more information about the Town of Potsdam Taxpayers Association!